MegaHydrate™ Developed by Dr. Patrick Flanagan
MegaHydrate is the key that unlocks the potential of water as the medium for nutrient replenishment and waste removal at the cellular level. In a state of dehydration, body cells cannot assimilate nutrients and remove waste and relief pain from conditions like arthritis or fibromyalgia. Dehydration also occurs as a side effect of caffeine. Caffeine effects include anxiety, dizziness, headaches, sleep disorders, and many common ailments.
MegaHydrate also helps fight the negative effects of alcohol, stress, and free radicals as part of aging. In addition to hydration, MegaHydrate is the most powerful known antioxidant food. Since it is an “pure” antioxidant that does not turn into a free radical itself, taken daily, MegaHydrate delivers far more Hydrogen ions than by eating pounds of raw fruits and vegetables or drinking gallons of “healing waters,” also known as “glacial milk.” Humans need Hydrogen to survive. It is the key to long life and anti-aging. However, due to mass food production, mineral deficient soil, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, over-processing of foods, chemical preservatives, and drinking over-chlorinated and over-fluoridated water, people do not get enough Hydrogen ions daily. Body cells become damaged, hydration levels decrease and cells age.
In summary, MegaHydrate challenges the symptoms of dehydration and minimizes the process of aging. Many customers report immediate pain relief and increases in energy. MegaHydrate is a dietary supplement that is considered a food grade supplement rich in antioxidants by the FDA. Antioxidant foods like MegaHydrate help defy the aging process. It is safe, having been tested and shown to have no known side effects. Find out why MegaHydrate is more powerful than other antioxidant food and how it can help you.
MegaHydrate™ is a powerful antioxidant supplement that promotes essential full-body hydration. Dehydrated cells cannot properly absorb nutrients or get rid of waste. Over time this leads to nutritional deficiency, cellular oxidation, and a dangerous buildup of toxins. MegaHydrate™ is the key to unlocking the hidden nutrient enhancing potential of water inside your body. It's scientifically tested, safe, and has no known adverse side effects.
Dr. Patrick Flanagan is the creator of MegaHydrate™. He holds advanced degrees in chemistry, nanotechnology, bio-sciences and medicine. He's developed over 300 inventions and was named Scientist of the Year in 1997 by the International Association for New Science. Dr. Flanagan's desire is to share his discoveries with the world in the hope that they may be used to improve human life.
"I discovered negatively ionized hydrogen as the premier biological antioxidant in 1985. "In bio-chemistry, there is the antioxidant cascade. All previously known antioxidants become free radicals when they neutralize free radicals. The resulting free radicals are not as harmful as those that were neutralized. For example, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) becomes dehydro-ascorbic acid (it has lost its hydrogen). The dehydro-ascorbic acid must be eliminated by the body. This is true of all antioxidants except for H- or active hydrogen. When H- neutralizes a free radical, pure water is the result."
"The exciting thing about H- ions is that they can re-store and re-cycle all other radical scavengers. That is, it can restore Vitamin C in the body over and over again so that it does not need to be eliminated as a toxin. It works with all other know antioxidants in the same way. It is the king of antioxidants because of this. It is the only free radical fighter that is like that."
Dr. Patrick Flanagan