Diabetes - Hypoglycemia Mother Earth Minerals
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Diabetes – Any of several metabolic disorders marked by excessive discharge of urine and persistent thirst, and abnormally high concentrations of glucose in the blood. Type II Diabetes (non insulin-dependent) typically responds very favorably to this mineral protocol within 3-6 months. Without Chromium and Vanadium ions, the pancreas cannot manufacture nor maintain balanced insulin levels. Insulin Growth Factors (IGF) are also linked to protein metabolites, and MSG and Aspartame have been shown to negatively affect IGF levels. IF YOU ARE DIABETIC, STAY AWAY FROM DIET DRINKS, even though they have been "approved" by the American Diabetes Association.
Hypoglycemia – An abnormally low concentration of glucose in the blood. Often hypoglycemia progresses into Diabetes.
Package contains the following products:
·Calcium 2 OZ Bottle
·Chromium 2 OZ Bottle
·Copper 2 OZ Bottle
·Magnesium 2 OZ Bottle
·Manganese 2 OZ Bottle
·Sulfur 2 OZ Bottle
·Vanadium 2 OZ Bottle
·Mineral of Life 2 OZ Bottle
·Zinc 2 OZ Bottle
·Essential Earth Enzymes 8 OZ Bottle
·Vitamin B-12 Strips
·Liposomal Vitamin C.
·Free Wellness Secrets For Life Book ( provides daily dosage details)